Full Fibre Update
BT openreach
9th August 2024
Mike Crane
Chair, South Godstone Residents' Association
Many residents have contacted the Residents Association recently seeking clarity over openreach's new proposal to bring high speed broadband fibre to the village and in particular, which properties would be affected by it.
Members of the Committee have been in touch with openreach in an effort to obtain further information and clarity on this but to date, it has proved difficult to understand precisely what their plans actually are.
We are therefore trying to arrange a face to face meeting with openreach in an effort to tie them down as to what their plans are and more importantly, what properties will be affected.
We will report any further progress or lack of it we are able to make. In the meantime, we would stress that the vagueness around this scheme means the Committee cannot at this time, endorse the openreach scheme.
Mike Crane
Chair, South Godstone Residents' Association
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