South Godstone Residents' Association



The name of the Association shall be South Godstone Residents’ Association, known as SGRA.


The Objects of the Association shall be:

  1. To protect and promote the interests of members as residents in South Godstone
  2. To promote such recreational and social activities and facilities as may, from time to time, be determined by a majority of the members or their elected representatives
  3. Aim to preserve the rural nature of the neighbourhood and preserve its amenities
  4. To stimulate interest in local affairs, education and employment within the area.

Furtherance of Objects

Without prejudice to any other provisions of these Rules, SGRA may, in furtherance of its Objects:

  1. Collect and receive subscriptions, contributions and other payments from or in respect of members
  2. Accept any monies or property as gifts or otherwise
  3. Cooperate with any organisation having all or any Objects similar to those of SGRA in attainment of those Objects or, if a majority of the members so determine, affiliate to any such organisation and give financial assistance to any such local organisation as decided by an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting
  4. Do such other lawful things as are incidental or conductive to attainment of the Objects

Properties and Monies

All property and monies belonging to SGRA shall be used in and applied to the promotion of the Objects of SGRA.


Membership shall be open to all residents, being 18 years of age or more, in that part of the area covered by the District of Tandridge known as South Godstone.

Alteration of Rules

These Rules or any of them may be revoked, altered or varied and new Rules may be made by decision of an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting in favour of which there were two thirds of the total votes cast thereon. Details of the proposed alterations must be submitted to the Hon Secretary not less than seven days before the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting at which it is intended to consider them.


A subscription of £10 for annual membership in respect of each property shall be paid by the owner or tenant thereof which shall give the right of membership of the Association to all persons resident at that address.

Accounting of Money

A banking account in the name of SGRA shall be kept, withdrawals to be made on signatures of two out of three of the following Officers – Chairman, Vice Chairman and Hon Treasurer. An up-to-date record of income and expenditure shall be kept and all expenditure shall be authorised by the Executive Committee. The financial year shall commence the first of May.


Voting at all meetings shall be show of hands, except under the Rules relating to ‘Alteration of Rules’, ‘Subscriptions’ and ‘Dissolution’ and except at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting involving an election where more than one member may be nominated to fill a particular office. In such events, voting shall be by ballot paper. For nominations, a simple majority shall determine the elected member. At all meetings, the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his ordinary vote.


SGRA shall not be dissolved except by a vote of two thirds of the members present at the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purposes of dissolution. In the event of a resolution being passed to dissolve SGRA, the sale of equipment owned, together with any funds standing to the credit of SGRA, shall be donated to any recognised Voluntary Organisation(s) with preference being extended to one with a local impact, such beneficiaries being determined by those present and voting.


The Officers of the Association shall consist of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon Secretary and Hon Treasurer who shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting of SGRA.

No member of SGRA shall incur any expenses in the name of SGRA unless duly authorised. The duties of the members of the Executive Committee shall be to ensure that all members are kept informed of current matters, and that the views, wishes and opinions of members are collected and raised at Executive Committee. The Executive Committee also has the option to seek volunteers to help with any house-to-house deliveries.

Executive Committee

The general business of SGRA shall be conducted by an Executive Committee, elected at the first and annually at subsequent Annual General Meetings. The Executive Committee shall consist of Officers of SGRA together with four or more elected representatives.

The Executive Committee shall retire annually but individuals shall be eligible for re-election. The Executive Committee shall have power to fill vacancies caused by a retirement before the end of its term of office. Four members of the Executive Committee shall be present and constitute a quorum at any of its meetings. The Executive Committee shall have the right to appoint sub-committees to undertake special duties and to determine the membership of such sub committees. Sub committees shall report directly to the Executive for confirmation of their activities. The Executive Committee shall have the right to invite attendance at its meeting of any person or persons who may, by reason of their special knowledge or standing, be of assistance to the Executive Committee.

Meetings of the Executive

The Executive Committee shall meet quarterly and additionally as convened by the Chairman or at such shorter intervals as the officers of the Association shall deem desirable.

Annual General Meetings

An Annual General Meeting, of which the whole membership shall be advised, shall be held once in every calendar year and not more than fourteen months after the previous Annual General Meeting. At least fourteen days’ clear notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given. Fifteen members being present shall constitute a quorum.

Independent Examiner

There shall be appointed an Independent Examiner, who is not a member of the Executive Committee, to examine the accounts and submit their Report to the Annual General Meeting. An audited Account for the previous twelve months shall be presented to each Annual General Meeting together with a Report of the activities of the Executive Committee.


Any matters arising not governed by these Rules shall be referred to the Executive Committee whose decision shall be binding on all members but subject to appeal at the next Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.

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